Sunday, May 4, 2008

Lets do some gardenning ...

3rd May 2008

Today, I had dedicated my weekend on the housing project. Early in the morning, I had decided to buy some plants and small trees at the local wet market. However, due to my ignorance, I didn't know that the plant market in Gadong was not opened on Saturday. Hence, I decided to go to the argiculture market at Rimba where I managed to buy the 'Anjania' tree and lots of small plants such as the 'Delima' purple, 'Piantung baru', 'Pagar oren & merah', 'Siantan merah, oren & kuning', 'Nanas' purple, 'Nigru', and a couple of christmass tress, one of it is known as Rangru christmas tree. Please do forgive me as I only know the malay name of the small plants. Not forgetting I also bought several Swiss carpet grass and pearl grass for the empty spaces at the back of the house and for my early investment.

The 'Anjania' trees were planted at 1 metre spacing so that they will grow closer to one another. I wanted to make a hedge out of this and the christmass tree along with the other small plants were used for landscaping. I had 2 of my in law gardeners to help me out with the planting and landscaping and it tooks us almost 3 hours to complete. However, its all worth it...

We started off with tying a string from one end to the other in order to get a straight line. The plant above is the 'Anjania' trees which can be turned into a hedge.

From another angle towards the 'Pasar Borong' which is the local fruit's and vegetable's bulk market in Sengkurong. We managed to plant almost half of the total length of the land. I need to get some more plants by tomorrow.

The Christmas trees, the one to the left is known as the 'Rangru' Christmass tree.

The is 'Piantung Baru', which is good for landscaping and a mini hedge.

'Delima' Puprple, which we planted around the 'Nigru' plant which is the one below in the blue plastic bag.

This is the 'Siantan merah-oren & kuning' serve as a mini hedge too.

The picture above and below is the 'Pagar oren & merah' respectively which we planted around the 'Nigru' plant as well to create variety.

Lastly, this is the the 'Nanas purple' or the 'Purple Pineapple' which we planted around the christmass tree.

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