Friday, September 12, 2008

The Pyramid of Kampong Selayun

12th September 2008

Today I had the opportunity to visit the site twice. The first visit was just before the Friday prayer and the second one was after I took my afternoon nap around 4pm. So far the workers are working at full swing. In summary, the plastering work at the concrete gutter still continue, the electrician started working on the 1st floor and the roof workers started installing the galvanized zinc.

Picture taken from the edge of the roof truss creating an illusion of the pyramid shape of House of Syafi and Safiya's roof top.

Me standing at the top of the world at more than 20 feet above the ground. Thanks Peter for taking the shot for me.

The roof truss at the back of the house above the kid's bedroom

The worker started putting the galvanized zinc above the Master Suite or at the right side of the house

This picture was taken before the Friday prayer

This one was taken at half pass four in the afternoon

Close up picture of the house, the galvanized zinc was almost reaching to the top.

Above the Master Suite during noon

This is how it looks like from the Master bathroom

The layer of the galvanized zinc overlapping almost by 2 inches to prevent rain water seeping into the ceiling

The whole overview of the roof work

Eagerly testing out the roof tile

Plastering work on the detail design at the top of the concrete gutter at the front car porte

Another angle from Syafi's bedroom

The workers clearing the debris in the Formal Living Hall

The stock of galvanized zinc

The concrete gutter at the back of the house had been plastered except of the detail design at the top

The electrician working on the 1st floor. They require at least another 3 days before they complete the wiring work on the 1st floor.

The talented Mr. Peter (the electrician) posing by the roof truss

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