Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Addicted to gardening

17th February 2010

Ever since our planters were filled, I noticed a gradual change in myself as well as my wife. Apparently gardening can be addictive because once you start, the interest and passion grows even more. After finishing one area, the mind will automatically shift attention towards another area. We even find ourselves thinking during Sunday or public holiday mornings of going to the plants market to hunt for new plants to buy.

On the positive side, this interest means that our time is put to a better use (rather than laying down lazily in front of the television), and it also helps us burn some calories from all that sweating and hard work. Even my heavily pregnant wife still finds the strength to help me out with the gardening works although her involvement is quite limited due to health and safety reasons.

Already, we have planned for some more gardening works due this weekend or probably during the public holidays next week. Go green!

The kids also love to get their hands dirty. Pictures taken when we were planting around our new flag pole.

The base of the flag pole as it is now

I finally planted at the two voids near our two twin columns

Plants of my wife's choice, decorating our front foyer

An overall view of our home from the front

And this picture is especially dedicated to my sister in law who gave us this orchid plant when we first moved in. She initially complained when it almost died during the days when we left the watering to our maid. Now that we have developed "green hands", the orchids bloom beautifully.

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