Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Preparation for 'Menanam Tiang Seri' ceremony

4th February 2008
My mother-in-law had prepared the 'ingredients' for the 'menanam tiang seri' ceremony. All the stuff were wrapped in a white cloth and since we plan on burying it in 5 columns of the house (rather than one), we prepared 5 sets, all consisting of the same materials. Ohh, except for the one to be buried in the middle part of the house, my mother-in-law put a chip of gold in it (believe it or not...)!


Unknown said...

This looks to be a beautiful home you are building. Forgive my ignorance, but what is the meaning or purpose of this ceremony?

syafisafiya-house said...

Thank you for your comment. It's interesting to know that our blog has been visited and is now receiving comments.

Regarding your question, 'menanam tiang seri' ceremony is a custom in Brunei whereby before the cement is moulded into columns of a house, we usually perform prayers (Islamic prayers) and put the materials inside so that it remains in tact with the house. It is a common belief of Muslim Malays especially in my country that the ceremony is an effort to protect the home from disturbances by supernatural forces (we believe that they exist).

The purpose of putting the materials in the middle of the house as well as the four corners simbolyzes full 'protection' on all sides. The prayers read is hoped to bring blessing to the house and its occupants in the future. On this account, I do apologise that I am not able to tell you what the ingredients are because some are local and I am not sure of the term in english, but as far as I know, the ingredients include coarse salt, black pepper and sulphur.

I understand that you may find this superstitious, but this is our custom and it is interesting, really. I hope that your curiosity has been answered. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing the local ceremony for "Home" to be safe and full protection.