Saturday, February 16, 2008

The ceremony

Above: My father-in law tied the cloth containing the materials at the base of the column before the cement is poured. Below: Syafi took part in the ceremony despite the early hours.

15th February 2008
At approximately 4.00 in the morning, the whole family got up early to prepare for the praying ceremony at the site. We were very concerned since it is the rainy season (and when it rains it is always heavy), but the weather turned out to be fine.

We arrived at the site after the Fajr prayers, and at about 5.45 am, the ceremony starts. Even 3 year old Syafi and 1 year old Safiya joined in the experience despite the early hours.

Apart from my wife and I, other very close relatives decided to come along too, namely my in-laws and a close cousin. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Yang Dimuliakan Pehin Khatib Awang Haji Ahmad for his willingness to recite the prayers that morning.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Preparation for 'Menanam Tiang Seri' ceremony

4th February 2008
My mother-in-law had prepared the 'ingredients' for the 'menanam tiang seri' ceremony. All the stuff were wrapped in a white cloth and since we plan on burying it in 5 columns of the house (rather than one), we prepared 5 sets, all consisting of the same materials. Ohh, except for the one to be buried in the middle part of the house, my mother-in-law put a chip of gold in it (believe it or not...)!